Former Doctoral Students
01. Carol Briscoe (Florida State University, 1991). Cognitive frameworks and classroom practices: A case study of teacher learning and change.
02. Tony Lorsbach (Florida State University, 1991). An examination of prospective teachers’ beliefs about teaching, learning, and the nature of science.
03. Thomas Dana (Florida State University, 1992). Achieving comprehensive curriculum reform: An analysis of the implementation of the comprehensive plan for improving mathematics, science and computer education in Florida.
04. Peter Taylor (Curtin University, 1993) An interpretive study of the role of teacher beliefs in the implementation of constructivist theory in a secondary school mathematics classroom. Barry Fraser, co-major professor.
05. Craig Bowen (Florida State University, 1993). But I came here to learn: Students’ interpretations of their experiences in a College class for non-science majors.
06. Dorian Barrow (Florida State University, 1993) Restructuring college level physics for prospective elementary school teachers: A sociocultural analysis of the roles the instructor plays.
07. Sheryl McGlamery (Florida State University, 1993). Science and gender: Factors that impact the science learning and achievement of women.
08. Gilberto Alfaro (Florida State University, 1993) Chemistry teaching practices and the social construction of professionalism in Costa Rica.
09. Sabitra Brush (Florida State University, 1993) A case study of learning chemistry in a college physical science course developed for prospective elementary teachers.
10. Jean Olson (Florida State University, 1993). Semantic construction of relationships in the curriculum of Algebra II and chemistry.
11. Hedy Moscovici (Florida State University, 1994) An interpretive investigation of teaching and learning in a college course for prospective elementary teachers.
12. Sharon Nichols (Florida State University, 1994). Perspectives on teacher learning and science at an elementary professional practice school.
13. Scott Robinson, (Florida State University, 1995). A narrative inquiry into the understanding and learning of high school physics.
14. Lilia Reyes-Herrera (Florida State University, 1996). The science teacher in action: Relationships between context, beliefs, behaviors and goals in the classroom.
15. Sue Mattson (Florida State University, 1997). When world views collide: A study of interdepartmental collaboration to develop a biology curriculum for prospective elementary teachers.
16. Chris Muire (Florida State University, 1997). Analyses of science education reform in Florida: Emerging from the eclipse or trapped in the darkness?
17. Susan Butler (Florida State University, 1997). Problem-based learning in a secondary science classroom.
18. Ted Boydston (Florida State University, 1999). Interactions of policy-stakeholder groups implementing middle school science standards-based systemic reform.
19. Judith McGonigal (Curtin University, 2000). Reforming elementary science through the coparticipation of educators, parents, and students.
20. Gale Seiler (University of Pennsylvania, 2002). A critical look at teaching, learning, and learning to teach science in an inner city, neighborhood high school.
21. Melissa Sterba (University of Pennsylvania, 2003). Respect, struggle and change: Examining the agency of African American female adolescents in city schools.
22. Dale McCreedy (University of Pennsylvania, 2003). Negotiating meaning and identity in science teaching and learning through participation in an informal science program for girls.
23. Beth Wassell (University of Pennsylvania, 2004) On becoming an urban teacher: Exploring agency through the journey of student to first year practitioner.
24. Penny Gilmer (Curtin University, 2004). Transforming tertiary level teaching of biochemistry through action research: Utilizing collaborative learning and technology.
25. Sarah-Kate LaVan (University of Pennsylvania, 2004). Cogenerating fluency in urban science classrooms.
26. Sonya Martin (Curtin University, 2005) The social and cultural dimensions of successful teaching and learning of science in an urban high school.
27. Kimberly Lebak (University of Pennsylvania, 2005) Connecting outdoor field experiences to classroom learning: A qualitative study of the participation of students and teachers in learning science.
28. Stacy Olitsky (University of Pennsylvania, 2005). What are the differences in teaching practices and student learning when science teachers teach subjects that are “within-field/out-of-field”?
29. Linda Loman Flohr (Curtin University, 2005) The impact of cogenerative dialogue on learning and teaching practices in and out of field in an 8th grade physical science classroom.
30. Tricia Kress (CUNY, 2006). Integrating technology into the urban high school English curriculum: Understanding the re/construction of teacher/computer-user identity via the structure/agency dialectic.
31. Rupam Saran (CUNY, 2006). Asian Indian students: Achievement, schooling, and positive stereotyping.
32. Jennifer Adams (CUNY, 2006). Using a museum to educate urban teachers to teach science.
33. Ed Lehner (CUNY, 2007). Cogenerative dialogues and coteaching as fields for transforming urban teaching and learning.
34. Chris Emdin (CUNY, 2007). Cogenerative dialogues in the science classroom as a seedbed for the emergence of a cosmopolitan school.
35. Gillian Bayne (CUNY, 2007). Identity, culture and shared experiences: The power of cogenerative dialogues in urban science classrooms.
36. Wesley Pitts (CUNY, 2007). Being, becoming, and belonging: Improving science fluency during laboratory activities in urban education.
37. Ashraf Shady (CUNY, 2008). Immigration and cultural as factors mediating the teaching and learning of urban science.
38. Chris Hale. (CUNY, 2008). A critical ethnographic study of upper class parents’ experiences parenting children with learning differences.
39. Eydie Wilson. (CUNY, 2008). Alternatively certified teacher and technology: Agency | Structure dialectic – integration of technologically mediated instructions to improve literacy by creating comic books in a special education learning community.
40. Chris Siry. (CUNY, 2009). Creating an authentic approach to elementary science teacher education.
41. Jaime Martinez (CUNY, 2009). A performatory approach to teaching, learning and technology.
42. Preeti Gupta. (CUNY, 2009). Theorizing teaching in museums: Examining professional teaching identity development among youth floor staff
43. Femi Otulaja (CUNY, 2009). Fostering science teacher education and induction through coteaching and cogenerative dialoguing.
44. Kate O’Hara. (CUNY, 2009). Critical connections: Technology use that empowers.
45. Samuel Jackson (CUNY, 2010). Constructing mathematical knowledge in urban schools: Using cogenerative dialogue, coteaching, and students’ lived experience to transform the teaching and learning experiences of minority students.
46. Felicia Wharton (CUNY, 2010). Cogenerative dialogues in the adult basic education mathematics classroom.
47. Eileen Baker (CUNY, 2010). Improving the teaching and learning of science in junior high school: Achieving parity through cogenerative dialogues.
48. Eric Fuchs (CUNY, 2010). Math education and graduation rates from CUNY community colleges.
49. Carolyne Ali Khan (CUNY, 2011). In these bones, the economy of the world: A multi-logical, multi-representational cultural study of urban youth strength.
50. Nicole Grimes (CUNY, 2012). Redefining the urban school experience: Science education as cultural enactment.
51. Gene Fellner (CUNY, 2012). Don’t quantify my students! A multilectical approach to pedagogy and the teaching of language arts.
52. Cristobal Carambo (Curtin University, 2012). Inquiry and the development of scientific fluency in the urban high school.
53. Roland Lucas (CUNY, 2013). Restructuring high school math learning spaces with interactive technology and transformative pedagogy.
54. Olga Calderon (CUNY, 2013). Transformative science education through action research and self-study practices.
55. Malgorzata Powietrzynska (CUNY, 2014). Intervening to enhance mindfulness in urban education contexts.
56. Peter Waldman (CUNY, 2114). Learning and identity (trans)formation in Alcoholics Anonymous.
57. Pamela Proscia (CUNY, 2014). The transmission of cultural values through musical learning for children of Mexican communities in the New York metropolitan region.
58. Cristina Trowbridge (CUNY, 2018). Teaching teachers in halls of learning.
59. Mitch Bleier (CUNY, 2018). Finding light in the caves: Achieving personal and professional bliss on a journey in Cheeseworld.
60. Carol Woodburn-McDonald (CUNY, 2018). Using cogenerative dialogue to catalyse change.
61. Martin Wilson (CUNY, 2018). The challenge of teaching in urban schools: a dialogue with New York City mathematics teachers.
62. Amy Goods (CUNY 2019). A place to learn.
63. Manny Lopez (CUNY, 2019). Educational purpose in an urban Community College.
64. Karim Gangji (CUNY, 2019). A teacher educator’s narrative journey into mindfulness.
65. Elizabeth Baker (CUNY, 2021). Teacher wellbeing in a juvenile detention facility.
66. Ivonne Barreras (CUNY, 2021). Por Ellas: a latina’s autoethnography on emotions, achievement and agentic learning.
67. Yau Yan Wong (Kasetsart University, 2021). Redefining science education through the lens of mindfulness: Authentic Inquiry for promoting wellbeing, literate citizenry, and sustainable lifestyle.